March 2018: Roxanne Rossi – “Influence”
Solo show of paintings and mixed media works by ASC Member and Tucson Artist Roxanne Rossi.

February 2018: Rich Walton – Below the surface “Who am I when I am not?”
Solo show of sculptures and paintings by ASC Member and Tucson Artist Rich Walton

January 2018: Andrea Mendola “Taking Root”
Solo show of paintings by ASC Member and Tucson Artist Andrea Mendola

December 2017: Paper, Paper, Paper
FEATURING: Betina Fink, Judy Derickson, Miriam Otte, Joanne Pritzen, Chris Dawdy, Norma Galindo, Roxanne Rossi

November 2017: 1st Annual Group Show
FEATURING: Betina Fink, Curtis Alan Kiwak, David Scott Moyer, Gavin Hugh Troy, Joseph Labate, Karen Hymer, Rand Carlson, Nicole Lane, Kelly Linebaugh, Karyn Vampotic, Kazuma Sambe, Mary Theresa Dietz, Andrea Mendola, Rich Walton, Roxanne Rossi, Janny Taylor, Nancy Drigotas, Helen Walthier, Natalie Fruciano

October 2017: ASC Group Show
Fall group show of the members of Artist Studio Cooperative.

August/September 2017: Clay Inspirations
Group show of Ceramic sculptures by Artists; Karen Medley, Ann Hoff, Jesse Berlin, Eneida Colon, Christina Cardenas, Flora Edwards, Margret Guerro, Tom Kerrigan, Troy Neiman, George c. Penaloza.

July 2017: Gallery Closed
Gallery closed for repairs.
June 2017: Karolina Tumilowicz
Solo show of paintings and drawings by ASC Member and Tucson Artist Karolina Tumilowicz

May 2017: Andrea Mendola
Solo show of paintings by ASC Member and Tucson Artist Andrea Mendola

April 2017: ASC Group Show
Spring group show of the members of Artist Studio Cooperative.

March 2017: Rich Walton
Solo show of Mixed Media Sculpture and Performance by Artist Rich Walton.

February 2017: Roxanne Rossi
Solo show of Cast Paper, Mixed Media, Sculpture and Paintings of Tucson Artist Roxanne Rossi.

January 2017: Weston Holland
Solo show of Photos of Tucson Photographer Weston holland.

December 2016: Kelly Linebaugh
Solo show of paintings by ASC Member and Tucson Artist Kelly Linebaugh

November 2016: ASC Group Show
Gallery Azul hosted a Group show of ASC Artist to coincide with open studios.

October 2016: ASC Group Show
Ecdysis: solo show of sculptures by ASC member and Tucson Artist Rich Walton

July/August 2016: Kazuma Sambe
Ceramic Sculpture by Japanese Artist Kazuma Sambe

June 2016: Andrea Mendola
Solo show of paintings by ASC Member and Tucson Artist Andrea Mendola

May 2016: ASC Group Show
Gallery Azul hosted a Group show of ASC Artists to coincide with open studios.

April 2016: G.C. Penaloza
Ceramic sculpture By Tucson Artist G.C. Penaloza

March 2016: David Scott Moyer
Paintings and Photographs by Tucson Artist David Scott Moyer.

February 2016: Gallery Azul hosted “Kurt Kiwak” Solo show of Drawings and paintings by local Teacher and Artist Kurt Kiwak.
January 2016: Gallery Azul hosted “Drawing 2016” Invited local Artists showing Pencil,Ink, charcoal and water based drawings including a large temporary wall drawing.
December 2015: Gallery Azul hosted “Printmakers” A group show of 5 local Tucson Printmakers.
November 2015: Gallery Azul hosted a Group show of ASC Artist to coincide with open studios.
October 2015: Gallery Azul hosted “Foraging Alaya”. The first solo show in Tucson of artist, sculptor Rich Walton
August/September 2015: Gallery Azul hosted ASC artists Tori Oswald & Paige Blayne’s “Abstract Spaces”
June/July 2015: Gallery Azul hosted “The 9th Street Studios Reunion” featuring work by Elizabeth Criger, Mary Theresa Dietz, Betina Fink, Karen Hymer, Curtis Alan Kiwak, Joe Labate & Laura LaFave, Rachel Nelson and Janice Taylor.
May 2015: Gallery Azul hosted collage and cut paper artist Linda Cato’s “Terra Anima: new works on paper”
April 2015: Gallery Azul featured work of the 6 Artist Studio Cooperative artists.